Learning Curve

Throughout the gospels, Jesus asked more than 300 questions. Asking questions was Jesus’ preferred way of teaching because questions have the power to focus our attention. Questions stir up curiosity. Questions build a connection. Questions are an invitation to deeper reflection. Wherever you are on your journey of following Jesus, without questions there are no answers. And the answers to life's greatest questions are found in Jesus. 


Whether you’ve studied the Bible for years or are new in your faith, this 13-week study is designed to help you read, understand and apply God’s Word. Use this study guide to read the weekly passage for yourself, take sermon notes and access discussion questions to share with your small group.



This 12-week reading plan is designed to help you slow down and encounter the life and ministry of Jesus. Immerse yourself in the text and picture yourself in each scene as you follow Jesus through the gospel of Luke and explore the greatest story ever.



Miss this week's sermon? We encourage you to listen or watch online prior to attending your small group. This will help you come prepared and be ready to participate with your group as you press the truth of God's Word into every day life. 



WEEK 1: Which is easier?

WEEK 2: Why do you call me, Lord, Lord?

WEEK 3: What credit is that to you?

WEEK 4: Where is your faith?

WEEK 5: Are you expecting us to buy this?

WEEK 6: Who do you say I am?

WEEK 7: Which of these was a neighbor?

WEEK 8: Who can add a single hour?

WEEK 9: Will you go after the lost?

WEEK 10: Who will trust you with true riches?

WEEK 11: Are you the Son of God?

WEEK 12: Why are you troubled?

WEEK 13: Why do you stand here?

Want to Go Deeper?

A Commentary on Luke

Rather than unpacking each verse, this commentary is designed to help you grasp the key themes and main ideas of each chapter. At the end of each chapter is also a list of reflection questions that are designed for small group discussion or personal study. 


A Case for Christ

Is there credible evidence that Jesus of Nazareth really is the Son of God? Former atheist and Chicago Tribune journalist Lee Strobel takes an investigative look at the evidence of Jesus from the fields of science, philosophy and history.


Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus

This book is more than one man's pursuit of answers to the most important issues of life and faith. Ultimately, it's the story about the transformative grace of the one true God in the dramatic journey of Nabeel Qureshi from Islam to Christianity.


Mere Christianity

This classic book explores the core beliefs of Christianity by providing a powerful, rational case for the Christian faith. Topics include right and wrong, human nature, morality, marriage, sins, forgiveness, faith, hope, generosity, and kindness.