summer camp 2025
Find all the details and more about camp for your kids and students aging from preschool to graduated senior!!
Northview Kids Camps
This summer our incoming PreK-Kindergarteners can attend a day camp on Saturday, June 14th (starts 10:00am /ends 1:00pm). The cost is $35 and increases to $45 after June 1st, 2025. At this camp, your kids will craft, play, and hear a Bible story. Luci Baker, our Kids Pastor, will be attending as well. When you register, this camp will be listed as PreK/Kindergarten Day Camp.
This summer, we will be going with our incoming 1st/2nd graders on an overnight weekend at the camp. This overnighter is from Friday, July 11th - Saturday July 12th (drop-off Friday begins at 6pm, pick-up Saturday is at 4pm). The cost is $75 and increases to $95 after June 1st, 2025. At this camp, your kids will sing worship songs, make crafts, climb the rock wall, swim, hear from the Bible and so much more!! Luci Baker, our Kids Pastor, will be volunteering for the weekend as well as a few others from Northview. When you register, this camp will be listed as 1st/2nd Grade Overnight.
This summer, our incoming 3rd-5th graders will be going to camp all on the same week!! This will be Sunday June 29th to Wednesday July 2nd (drop-off is Sunday at 6pm, pickup is Weds at 4pm). Because of generous donations from our pie auction we will be discounting this week of camp to $125 per camper!! This camp will fill up fast so please be ready to register your kid on March 1st. This will easily be the best week ever for your kid - from worshipping with friends, swimming, ziplining, learning from the Bible and so much more!! Luci Baker, our Kids Pastor, will be leading this week and bringing a team of volunteers from Northview. When you register, this camp will be listed as 3rd-5th Grade Main Camp. You will need to select Northview as your church and enter our church code. You can contact Luci Baker to receive that code.
How do I register?
- Go to
- Here if you have registered before, you will login into your family profile you created your first time registering.
- If you have never registered before, you will click "New Family? Create your account".
- Then, fill out all the information for you and your student.
- Once you have your student in, go to enrollment and click the student name you would like to register.
- From there, you will select the camp you are wanting your kid to attend and complete the steps from there.
If you would rather watch a video tutorial on how to complete your profile and register, check out this video from the official Hanging Rock Facebook page.
Where is the camp at and how do I get there?
All preK-5th grade camps are located at Hanging Rock Christian Camp. Their address is 6988 IN-263, West Lebanon, IN 47991.
Is there a bus for 3rd/4th/5th grade?
There is NO bus for our elementary camps. Parents will be responsible for pick-up and drop-off.
How do I get the camp code for the discount (3rd-5th only)?
Luci Baker, our Kids Pastor, will email out a camp code before registration begins. If you do not receive an email, simply text or email Luci and she will send it your way!
Do you have a packing list?
- Bible, pencil, and paper
- casual clothes
- Tennis shoes
- swimsuit & towel
- jacket
- washcloth & towel
- toiletries
- insect repellent
- sunscreen
- flashlight
- pillow and sleeping bag or sheets & blanket
- money for missions offering
- money for snacks in the Canteen**
**PreK/Kindergarten and 1st/2nd grade will not need canteen money.
Can my kid bring their cellphone?
Camp policy is that your kid should not have a cellphone while at camp. Please refrain from sending them with one. Luci Baker, our Kids Pastor, will be present at all camps. If there is an emergency she will make sure she is in contact with you.
Can I send mail to my kid while they are at camp?
Absolutely! You will miss your kids and you will want them to know that you’re thinking of them while they are away. We recommend that you express to your kids how excited you are for them and focus on what they are doing and refrain from telling them all the things you’re doing. This will lead to more encouragement and less homesickness. We love the phrase, “We can’t wait to see you on *day you’re picking them up*!”
To send a piece of mail, use this link. The camp will print it off and give it to your kids!
Northview Students Camps
This summer, our incoming 9th graders to graduated Seniors will be going to CIY MOVE from Monday, June 30th to Saturday July 5th (morning) at Hope College in Holland, Michigan. The cost is $225. Limited spots available.